Bullet time.

My passion project game :)
Sure it might not have music in the later levels, but keep in mind I made everything (Execpt for the boss fight song I stole that.) in 3 weeks. 

If there is one thing you can take from this game, I hope it's not that I'm crazy; 
But rather that nothing can be perfect, nothing can be what you want it to.
And the only think that matters is that you had fun doing it.

So I hope you enjoy!

No. This game will not get updated over the summer, or ever most likey unless it is broken. This IS my first released finished game NOT for a gamejam. Very special :)


Bullet Time Windows.exe 78 MB

Install instructions

This was made in Gamemaker Studio 2. If you are having issues downloading it make sure:

  • You are on windows (Windows build will not work on Chromebooks.)
  • You are opening the installer file.

If non of these are helping, Reach out to me :)

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